For years, sex and sensuality in advertising were implied and because they were exceptionally effective they continue to be powerful advertising tools. Relaxed censuring has made sexual advertising far more prevalent and overt. The problem that comes into play is determining the line between acceptable and excessive.
Obviously there are ads for items like lingerie, jeans, perfumes and body creams that might genuinely require graphics to be somewhat sexual in order to be effective. Even that warm and fuzzy feeling we’d get every time we saw the Anheuser Busch Clydesdales romping through the snow wishing us season’s greetings have proven less enticing than a beach party, during which cold beer is quenching the thirst of a great looking bunch of guys and girls in bathing suits.
Here’s another interesting fact…today not only does sex sell, but we actually sell sex. Everything from condoms to erectile dysfunction medications has a platform. Having said that, the mention of possible side effects like: going blind, hearing loss, nausea, dizziness and a permanent erection, might cause a Viagra ad to frighten more would be fornicators than it satisfies. And who casts the men for the erectile dysfunction commercials? They are creepy looking.
Do I approve of sex in advertising? Yes, within reason. I am committed to producing the most successful campaigns for my clients and if that means content with sexual overtones we will “do it.” In doing so, however, there are two directives I insist be followed: I will never objectify a gender, culture or socio-economic group and I insist on a tasteful presentation of the material.
So the simple answer is yes, sex sells. Explicit or implied, sex in advertising is here to stay. As advertisers we can do our part to keep sexually driven campaigns inoffensive as possible. Ultimately the results will be revealed at the register.
Now that I am done writing this I am heading out for a burger!
Edward DuCoin - 856 304 2800 - Orpical Group
Want Proof?
I wrote a very good article about advertising clients 8 days ago. It had 20 page views on my blog (that I do not post to often). In 6 minutes - the SEX articles got more hits.