Do You Have The Courage?

Do You Have The Courage?
Do You Have The Courage?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Paradoxical Commandments

                                        LOVE THESE!

The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

© Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

EDA and the International Economic Development Council Create User-Friendly Tool

EDA and the International Economic Development Council Create User-Friendly Tool to Help Communities Recover Their Economy after Disasters

U.S.-Africa Business Success Stories: How a Supplier of Powerboats to the U.S. Military Started Doing Business in Nigeria

U.S.-Africa Business Success Stories: How a Supplier of Powerboats to the U.S. Military Started Doing Business in Nigeria





On behalf of both Orpical Energy, I am pleased to announce that Duke Energy has issued a refund in the form of a credit on your bill for a total of $10,974.

The refund pertains to an adjustment made for a special rate we were able to get you qualified for.

The great news is that you are now saving about $300/month indefinitely, going forward.

We have several audit services that we can speak with you about including audits for telecommunications, waste removal and invoice processing - all areas where we can assist in lowering your monthly spend.

Like to see if we can do this for you?  CLICK HERE

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Loyalty is a Choice

Whenever I think of the attributes I most admire in a family member, friend, employee, or business colleague, the word Loyalty is always the first that comes to mind.  Though its definition immediately aligns itself with other fine qualities like integrity, allegiance, truth and dedication, like many other words, it remains subject to justification and for that reason, the word loyalty becomes obscure and nebulous.  

Because loyalty, in its most pristine sense, is a characteristic I genuinely value, and because the state of being loyal is one to which I constantly aspire, I am often troubled by those philosophical ideologies predisposed to loyalty to oneself as first and foremost.  Yet, it is this very principle that continues to destroy personal and professional relationships, that brings-down companies, governments even entire countries. 

When or why has it become so problematic …so challenging to practice loyalty?

A few years back, as we all witnessed the demise of Enron, the fall of some of the oldest and most prestigious financial institutions in our nation’s history and the madness associated with the Madoff scandal, the underlying culprit was perceived to be greed.   But when all is said and done, greed is nothing more than the absence of loyalty….the inability to maintain allegiance to the people and the causes with which you have been entrusted.  I would venture to suggest that as each honorable code was being violated during these and other corrupt and unprincipled business decisions the perpetrators rationalized their actions as the pursuit of loyalty…loyalty to an entitlement sought for them.     

As CEOs, in today’s corporate world, we deal with the duplicitous all the time.   Actually, ruthlessness is often an attribute admired in many of the world’s most successful corporate and political leaders.  Sadly, anyone with a conscience supported by unwavering loyalty is perceived as weak, representing a ripe-for-the-picking opportunity for the unscrupulous poacher to pounce.  If this week in history has taught us anything, it’s that it takes strength to be loyal; it takes tolerance to be brave; it takes a moral compass to navigate life honorably. 

Loyal behavior is not the “fast way to profits” but in the long run it is the only sustainable way. The truth always comes out. Sometimes it is immediate. Other times it takes years. Greed and an unhealthy ego are very expensive character traits.

Choose wisely. Choose your friends, employees and business colleagues wisely. First earn their respect and then insist on their loyalty.

You can’t fake loyalty. Fakers are greedy SOB’s who think they can trick karma. If you have any business experience you can probably identify with a “faker” who, through the fate of karma, “got theirs.” When you “get yours” make sure you are getting earned acknowledgement and financial gain based on loyal and honorable behavior.

Choose wisely.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Converting individuals into clients remains the primary goal of any inbound marketer.  Though these marketers utilize various marketing resources across all social media platforms most would agree that it all comes down to four words. 


The Outstanding Landing
A captivating Landing Page can substantially influence visitors. Titles and copy should be dynamic, vibrant, succinct but informative. Distinctly identify all the advantages of doing business with your company. The best advice I could share is the philosophy I practice as a public speaker…’ve got a very small window of time in which to grab them and make them want to know more.  Don’t waste it!  
Calling Your Faction to Action

If asked to identify the quintessential component of any inbound marketing campaign, it would be the Call to Action (CTA).    CTAs are the lifeblood of every promotion.  They resurface over and over again, from blogs to websites; from e-mails to a power point presentations.  When preparing a CTA, I recommend treating the assignment as though you were purchasing an elite automobile.  You’d perform your due diligence.  After your research, you’d begin checking-out your top choices.  You wouldn’t look at just one.  You’d examine several, studying each one closely ~ exterior, interior, under the hood.  You’d try-out all the bells and whistles, look at the colors and take each out for a test drive.  Only then could you or should you make an informed choice. The test drive will prove to be the most important component in selecting your CTA Action.  Once every detail is meticulously reviewed and approved, you can finalize your Call to Action

Blogs vs Blahs:

If content is king, then the blog is its castle.  Words are powerful and if used wisely they are capable of accomplishing anything. A well written blog should do three things: enlighten, entertain and inspire.  Know your target audience.  Understand their pain and/or frustration, and use your blog as a healing salve.  Educate them on how and why your services can assist or protect them.  Write content that is compelling yet clever.  You can be detailed but don’t be boring.  Compose each sentence as an invitation to read the next.  Use words that will reach your reader on a personal level, as though you are engaging in a private and personal conversation.  A well-constructed blog is like casting a huge net.  How many fish will you catch?

E-mails: Beneficial or Bothersome

The jury are out when it comes to e-mails.  The latest data indicates an average click through rate of about 20%.  Similar studies claim that each year e-mail lists lose about 25% of their followers.  Let’s face it, everyone is inundated with e-mails. Often, messages that important can be erroneously classified as spam and vice versa. No matter how you look at it, a flooded in-box is a turn-off.  That’s why it remains imperative for marketers to create a tempting subject line.  Once opened, the viewer should find crisp, concise, informative copy that will instantly facilitate further interest.     
Weaving a Wondrous Web

Your website is part autobiography and part passageway.  Here is the place where the consumer will board your ship. Like a captain, you should chart a course that will easily transport each visitor from port to port, ensuring that every stop is a positive experience and that the trip as a whole is memorable.  Your goal should be to capture their loyalty and ensure their return  

Remember Your Manners

Clients want to know that they matter.  Your client data-base should include reminders pertaining to thank-you notes, occasional nurturing notes and a yearly How Are We Doing? Survey.  Research has shown that these seemingly small personal touches matter to even the largest businesses.  In addition, a more intimate interaction with clients will substantially contributes to retention

Advertise through Advocates

Once you have successfully converted a consumer into a client, there’s a good chance that client will recommend your services to others. Word-of-Mouth can prove the most powerful marketing tool of all

These few tips serve as the substructure of a successful Conversion Rate Formula:  Entice…….Capture…….Convert…...Retain.  Learn them, practice them then go forward and CONVERT! 

Edward DuCoin 856 304 2800

Wednesday, July 9, 2014



Nullius in verba (Latin for "on the word of no one" or "Take nobody's word for it") is the motto of the Royal Society. The current Royal Society website explains the motto thus:
It is an expression of the determination of Fellows to withstand the domination of authority and to verify all statements by an appeal to facts determined by experiment.